Definitions for Robbia

Robbia Rob·bia

Spelling: [roh-bee-uh; Italian rawb
IPA: /ˈroʊ bi ə; Italian ˈrɔb byɑ/

Robbia is a 6 letter English word.

You can make 78 anagrams from letters in Robbia (abbior).

Definitions for Robbia


  1. Andrea della [ahn-dre-ah del-lah] /ɑnˈdrɛ ɑ ˌdɛl lɑ/ (Show IPA), 1435–1525, and his uncle, Luca della [loo-kah del-lah] /ˈlu kɑ ˌdɛl lɑ/ (Show IPA) c1400–82, Italian sculptors.

Examples for Robbia

The work called Robbia ware was terra-cotta relief covered with enamel.

Can these have been of terra cotta of the della Robbia school?

The palace is the national museum, and among its grand collections the work of the della Robbia family can best be studied.

To tell what Robbia did accomplish we must glance at his personal history.

Once the Madre de Deus was adorned with several della Robbia placques.

It is a fine modern zeit-geist piece of declamation to come out of the rather over-sweet della Robbia period of art.

While producing these works in enamelled earthen-ware, Robbia also painted on the flat.

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