Rampur is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 67 anagrams from letters in Rampur (amprru).
Near Buniar, 135 just beyond Rampur, is another right on the road.
The Rampur hound is a similar beast, much cherished by sporting Nawabs.
They were five policemen from Rampur, one of them suffering from inflammation of the lungs and more dead than alive.
The verbal approximation of rampr and Rampur arrests attention.
We come to Urie and Rampur and often drive through dense forest.
It will be noticed by visitors to the valley along the road between Uri and Baramula, especially near Rampur.
Three miles from Rampur the road began to ascend a long spur in a south-east direction.
It is a larger stream than any of those yet crossed since leaving Rampur, and its ravine is beautifully wooded.