Definitions for rallentando

rallentando ral·len·tan·do

Spelling: [rah-luh n-tahn-doh; Italian rahl-len- Rallentando is a 11 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 16 points.

You can make 654 anagrams from letters in rallentando (aadellnnort).

Definitions for rallentando


  1. slackening; becoming slower (used as a musical direction).

Origin of rallentando

1805-15; Italian, gerund of rallentare to slow down; see lento

Examples for rallentando

Such a rallentando effect is like the apparent pause in the rush of a river before it thunders over a precipice.

Teach yourself to make a rallentando evenly by watching the drops of water cease as you turn off a tap.

Or we can gradually increase or decrease our tempo, creating accelerando and rallentando effects.

Evening has come; there is a twilight tinge to the music; it is "dolce," "expressione," and "rallentando."

Word Value for rallentando


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