You can make 1365 anagrams from letters in predicament (acdeeimnprt).
1350-1400; 1580-90 for def 1; Middle English Late Latin praedicāmentum something predicated, asserted, derivative of praedicāre. See predicate, Examples for predicament
But the line that follows may be key to the predicament Fonthes has found herself in: “Well, most of my family…”
He hoped to distract her from such grief over her predicament.
In this predicament the company turned to the Iowa legislature for protection.
Soon she was to learn of Tillie's predicament, and to take up the cudgels valiantly for her.
No one who was not a good sport could have grinned as Rawson did at his own predicament.
No, never; the witness had never been in such a predicament.
His predicament eventually become something of a cause célèbre, attracting even the attention of the Princess of Wales.
When he first arrived in 2006, he only knew two or three others in his predicament.
Mark Reay knows his predicament is very different from theirs.
In a way, the roots of this predicament reach back hundreds of years.