Praetors is a 8 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 9 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 10 points.
You can make 471 anagrams from letters in praetors (aeoprrst).
1375-1425; late Middle English pretor Latin praetor, for *praeitor leader, literally, one going before, equivalent to *praei-, variant stem of praeīre to go before, lead (prae- Examples for praetors
As if the praetor should fairly dismiss him from the stage, whom he had taken in to act a while.
"And you are our Sappho," said the praetor's wife, drawing the girl's arm to her bosom.
"And not unfrequently stumbled over with the foot," laughed the praetor.
If only she who is gone might have had the joy of hearing me called senator and praetor!
Officers, remove the accused Glaucus—remove, but guard him yet,' said the praetor.
Hasten with this, Davus, to the praetor, at the amphitheatre.
He ordered the praetor of the city to arrest the Pope and conduct him to prison.
praetor, delay, and you answer with your own life to the emperor!
He must at all events to the praetor; a pity, so young and so rich!
"You are sensitive and take things too hardly," the praetor ventured to remonstrate.