Pinchot is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 168 anagrams from letters in Pinchot (chinopt).
But since the time of Roosevelt, Pinchot and Garfield they have begun to sing a different song.
Such was the condition of things when Newell and Pinchot called on me.
"Yes, I see that," said the first, "and that they found Pinchot has stolen a million acres of public land" (laughter).
Pinchot had written to Burnham, “I have talked with a good many men about the plan and no one has developed any weak points yet.”
I have been playing tennis with Mr. Pinchot, who beat me three sets to one, the only deuce-set being the one I won.
I summed up the case thus: Pinchot plotted to steal the money drawn for payday and to kill Mr. Ellicott if it became necessary.
Old Colonel Pinchot had planted them there a half century ago.
There is, however, one consideration which will make Mr. Pinchot and his associates hesitate to adopt this course.
Pinchot in respect to his subject was a fine political inventor.
If we have a President who will not listen to a man like Pinchot, let us try a President that will.