You can make 1424 anagrams from letters in petit-bourgeois (-beegiiooprsttu).
Borrowed into English from French around 1855-60
It is their nave and faithful representation of the life of the Parisian petit bourgeois that seems to Brne so admirable.
He is the petit bourgeois, the picier, the class which the world ridicules.
To think that you, a watchmaker and a petit bourgeois, should experience what many a saint has died without realizing!
The cabanon is really the maison de campagne of the petit bourgeois of the cities and towns.
The part of husband and father struck them as unpleasant and too petit bourgeois.
There were no jarring notes or lavish, tawdry display, the pitfalls into which the parvenue and petit bourgeois invariably fall.