Pescadores is a 10 letter English word.
You can make 793 anagrams from letters in Pescadores (acdeeoprss).
As the Pescadores slowly scull their boats down the river, they sing strange Andalusian melodies, with a kind of ydel.
She is proceeding to fortify the Bonin Islands and the Pescadores.
Since the river Pescadores was already known, I chose the other, which flows from the north, and is called Sacramento.
The more so, as the Pescadores islands, half-way between, are within sight of the mainland.
For thirty-eight years this island had been dominated by the Dutch, whose fortresses commanded the channel of the Pescadores.
I have, however, left them the name of Pescadores, because the two observations nearly correspond.
Como estamos Capitan, que hay de nuevo; hay algo de bueno, para los pobres Pescadores?