Pers is a 4 letter English word.
You can make 37 anagrams from letters in Pers (eprs).
If the Antecedent be a sentence, or clause of a sentence, the Pronoun is of the 3d Pers.
The other Persons are distinguished by these Terminations; 1st Pers.
Aeschylus speaks of a Maraphis among the kings of the Persians, "Pers."
The present subjunctive is be through all Persons: 208 be—me, 2nd Pers.
Betwene thes two set youre witte, and se whether the Pers be lustye or sickly.
Verbs are classified in conjugation according to the radical letter following the root vowel, or diphthong, in the 1st Pers.
On the othersyde, if the Pers be sickely, it is easely know that his wekenes consisteth in nature the self.
In the 13th century s is occasionally added to the 1st Pers.
When the subject is not a pronoun, the pronoun of the 3rd Pers.
The subjunctive mood has no inflexions: 70 sped—stede, 3rd Pers.