You can make 300 anagrams from letters in Orleans (aelnors).
Of course, Louise is closely related to all the orleans and Bourbons.
One hundred put into prison at orleans, were destroyed by the furious multitude.
She has been always attached to the Duchess of orleans; or, some say, to the Duke.
As they turned the corner onto orleans Avenue, they were approached by a group of NOPD officers.
Thus argued he when on the following night, which was that of Friday, we lay at orleans.
I left orleans rather than live under the Federal government, if you please!
orleans himself may desire it, but the man is a eunuch in crime; he would, but he can't.
My grandfather was an adept in both, and knew, besides, the Duke of orleans well.
With the Duke of orleans, much; rival to the throne, he is the friend of the people.
The Castle of Montargis is my jointure; at orleans there is no house.