Oriya is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 46 anagrams from letters in Oriya (aiory).
First recorded in 1795-1805
Like other Oriya castes, the Haddis observe pollution for seven days on the occasion of the first menstrual period.
By the Mattiyas, and other Oriya castes, the ghorojavai (house son-in-law) custom is practiced.
This is woven from the fibre of the ringa (Oriya sītkodai gotsho).
On the following day, he took her to an Oriya trader, who thrashed her, in order to make her confess to the theft.
Oriya or Oodra is the language of the districts of Ganjam and Orissa.
Their language is Halba, which is easily understood by those who speak Oriya.
The funeral pyre is generally prepared by an Oriya washerman.
Just then an Oriya servant of the Muslim had visited Katak in disguise.
In their marriage ceremonies, they conform to the Telugu type, with certain variations adopted from the Oriya ceremonial.
Like other Oriya castes, the Kurumos are particular with regard to the observation of various vratams (fasts).