Definitions for order

order or·der

Spelling: [awr-der]
IPA: /ˈɔr dər/

Order is a 5 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 6 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 6 points.

You can make 40 anagrams from letters in order (deorr).

Definitions for order


  1. an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate.
  2. a command of a court or judge.
  3. a command or notice issued by a military organization or a military commander to troops, sailors, etc.
  4. the disposition of things following one after another, as in space or time; succession or sequence:
  5. a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement:
  6. formal disposition or array:
  7. proper, satisfactory, or working condition.
  8. state or condition generally:
  9. conformity or obedience to law or established authority; absence of disturbance, riot, revolt, unruliness, etc.:
  10. customary mode of procedure; established practice or usage.
  11. the customary or prescribed mode of proceeding in debates or the like, or in the conduct of deliberative or legislative bodies, public meetings, etc.:
  12. prevailing course or arrangement of things; established system or regime:
  13. conformity to this.
  14. a direction or commission to make, provide, or furnish something:
  15. a quantity of goods or items purchased or sold:
  16. Grammar. the arrangement of the elements of a construction in a particular sequence, as the placing of John before the verb and of George after it in John saw George. the hierarchy of grammatical rules applying to a construction. the rank of immediate constituents.
  17. any of the nine grades of angels in medieval angelology. Compare angel (def 1).
  18. Mathematics. degree, as in algebra. the number of rows or columns of a square matrix or determinant. the number of times a function has been differentiated to produce a given derivative: the order of the highest derivative appearing in a given differential equation: d 2y/dx 2 + 3 y (dy/dx) − 6 = 0 is a differential equation of order two. the number of elements of a given group. the smallest positive integer such that a given element in a group raised to that integer equals the identity. the least positive integer n such that permuting a given set n times under a given permutation results in the set in its original form.
  19. any class, kind, or sort, as of persons or things, distinguished from others by nature or character:
  20. Biology. the usual major subdivision of a class or subclass in the classification of organisms, consisting of several families.
  21. a rank, grade, or class of persons in a community.
  22. a group or body of persons of the same profession, occupation, or pursuits:
  23. a body or society of persons living by common consent under the same religious, moral, or social regulations.
  24. Ecclesiastical. any of the degrees or grades of clerical office. Compare major order, minor order.
  25. a monastic society or fraternity:
  26. a written direction to pay money or deliver goods, given by a person legally entitled to dispose of it:
  27. Architecture. any arrangement of columns with an entablature. any of five such arrangements typical of classical architecture, including the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders invented by the Greeks and adapted by the Romans, the Tuscan order, invented by the Romans, and the Composite order, first named during the Renaissance. any of several concentric rings composing an arch, especially when each projects beyond the one below.
  28. orders, the rank or status of an ordained Christian minister.
  29. Usually, orders. the rite or sacrament of ordination.
  30. a prescribed form of divine service or of administration of a rite or ceremony.
  31. the service itself.
  32. the visible structures essential or desirable to the nature of the church, involving especially ministry, polity, and sacraments.
  33. a society or fraternity of knights, of combined military and monastic character, as, in the Middle Ages, the Knights Templars.
  34. a modern organization or society more or less resembling the knightly orders:
  35. (initial capital letter) British. a special honor or rank conferred by a sovereign upon a person for distinguished achievement. the insignia worn by such persons.
  36. Chiefly British. a pass for admission to a theater, museum, or the like.


  1. a tall order, a very difficult or formidable task, requirement, or demand: Also, a large order.
  2. call to order, to begin (a meeting):
  3. in order, fitting; appropriate: in a state of proper arrangement, preparation, or readiness: correct according to the rules of parliamentary procedure:
  4. in order that, so that; to the end that:
  5. in order to, as a means to; with the purpose of:
  6. in short order, with promptness or speed; rapidly:
  7. on order, ordered but not yet received:
  8. on the order of, resembling to some extent; like: approximately; about:
  9. out of order, inappropriate; unsuitable: not operating properly; in disrepair: incorrect according to the rules of parliamentary procedure:
  10. to order, according to one's individual requirements or instructions:

verb (used with object)

  1. to give an order, direction, or command to:
  2. to direct or command to go or come as specified:
  3. to prescribe:
  4. to direct to be made, supplied, or furnished:
  5. to regulate, conduct, or manage:
  6. to arrange methodically or suitably:
  7. Mathematics. to arrange (the elements of a set) so that if one element precedes another, it cannot be preceded by the other or by elements that the other precedes.
  8. to ordain, as God or fate does.
  9. to invest with clerical rank or authority.

verb (used without object)

  1. to give an order or issue orders:

Origin of order

1175-1225; Middle English ordre (noun), ordren (v., derivative of the noun) Old French ordre (noun) Latin ordin- (stem of ordō) row, rank, regular arrangement

Examples for order

He could order the Justice Department to begin the necessary regulatory work.

So working with the militants in order to deliver aid “becomes a requirement,” she said.

In order to get women in better jobs you had to get them into places [decisions] were made.

There were three candidates to be heard from and his speech was to be the last in order.

I was struck with the order of the bath: also the scimetary of the apartments.

And in order for them to realize their vision, they are willing to use any means.

She believes that this order is from my father, and that my mother has not been consulted upon it.

It was brought—but, by order of the huissier, only one knife was placed on the table.

Just how many fake nodes would be needed in order to pull off a successful Sybil attack against Tor is not known.

The fat man from behind the register had come to take his order.

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