Ogdensburg is a 10 letter English word.
You can make 622 anagrams from letters in Ogdensburg (bdeggnorsu).
If you had asked my advice, the other said, you would have proceeded straight up the lakes from Ogdensburg.
Across the river lies Ogdensburg, the scene of a raid in 1813.
They sent a few men down toward Ogdensburg to spy out the land.
We had a delightful trip down the lake by steamer, and at Ogdensburg took the cars for Lake Champlain.
And after that, were going to return to Ogdensburg and ship the Rambler to little old Chicago.
On a day in June, 1841, he boarded a steamboat at Ogdensburg on his way to Chicago.
It's just above an even thing between Alexandria Bay and Ogdensburg.
It was seven oclock when they left Ogdensburg and at ten they were at Alexandria Bay.
After being delayed by stormy weather, the flotilla passed the British guns across from Ogdensburg and halted twenty miles below.
One was requested to send a copy of the post-bill from his office to Ogdensburg of a certain date.