Oedipuses is a 9 letter English word.
You can make 295 anagrams from letters in oedipuses (deeiopssu).
Then, at last, outspeaks Oedipus, and from reproach bursts into curses.
But in the moral, Oedipus is all the majesty of a power still royal.
Remember that at your age one has need, like Oedipus, of an Egeria!
He had fortunately, at that time, just finished his Oedipus at Colonos.
Many and many an Oedipus arrives; he has the whole mystery teeming in his brain.
The Agamemnon, the Oedipus, the Bacchae are not to be explained wholly by them.
The notion of intra-family sex has inspired—and revolted—onlookers from Oedipus to Deliverance.
Probably John Gielgud's during the dress rehearsal of Peter Brook's production of Seneca's Oedipus at the Vic.
Oedipus and Amyntor and Theseus cursed their children, and their curses took effect.
Once more Oedipus reappears, barred for ever from the light of day.