You can make 87 anagrams from letters in Odessa (adeoss).
The country from Kief to Odessa was as one vast charnel-house.
The messenger from Odessa was dismissed with a negative reply.
In Odessa he found occupation in the harbour and the salt-works.
For the first time in decades, foreigners arriving in Odessa are regarded with suspicion, even anger.
In Odessa, in the West, the conflict is only slightly more subtle.
A century ago Odessa was a glorious city of the Belle Epoque.
It was a flattering invitation from the congregation of Odessa.
Chicago is remarkable chiefly as a grain city—like Odessa, on the Baltic.
Here in Odessa, the conflict has nothing to do with a linguistic divide.
Terrorism is bad news anywhere, but especially rough on Odessa, where the city motto seems to be “make love, not war.”