Definitions for octennial

octennial oc·ten·ni·al

Spelling: [ok-ten-ee-uh l]
IPA: /ɒkˈtɛn i əl/

Octennial is a 9 letter English word.

You can make 554 anagrams from letters in octennial (aceilnnot).

Definitions for octennial


  1. occurring every eight years.
  2. of or for eight years.

Origin of octennial

1650-60; Late Latin octenni(um) eight-year period (oct- oct- + -enn-, combining form of annus year + -ium -ium) + -al

Examples for octennial

octennial, ok-ten′i-al, adj. happening every eighth year: lasting eight years.

Of late these shackles, if I mistake not, have been broken; and octennial parliaments have besides been established.

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