Definitions for Nicolet

Nicolet Ni·co·let

Spelling: [nik-uh-ley; French nee-kaw-le]
IPA: /ˌnɪk əˈleɪ; French ni kɔˈlɛ/

Nicolet is a 7 letter English word.

You can make 243 anagrams from letters in Nicolet (ceilnot).

Definitions for Nicolet


  1. Jean [zhahn] /ʒɑ̃/ (Show IPA), 1598–1642, French explorer in America.

Examples for Nicolet

But why was Nicolet accredited by Champlain to the Hurons at all?

Like Nicolet, our two adventurous explorers traveled by canoes, with Indians to do the paddling.

The Mascoutins treated the strangers, as they had Nicolet, with great kindness.

So far as we at present know, there were no white men in Wisconsin during the twenty years following the coming of Nicolet.

The proper spelling is "Nicolet," not "Nicollet," nor "Nicollett."

Such, at least, was their location a few years after the visit of Nicolet.

Here came savage-trained Nicolet, exploring agent of Champlain, in 1634, when Plymouth colony was still in swaddling-clothes.

Let us see if it is the same thing as at Nicolet's: worse and worse and more of it.

Hence it was that Nicolet was recalled by the governor of Canada.

The able reports of Owen and Nicolet were made to Congress, and deserve the highest commendation.

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