Definitions for NIA


Nia is a 3 letter English word.

You can make 15 anagrams from letters in NIA (ain).

Examples for NIA

No, NIA; but as I am also going to leave the rancho, after saddling your horse, I saddled mine.

Iran may not be as villainized as North Korea or Syria these days, NIA says, but their track record on rights is a chronic issue.

"Fear nothing, NIA; I am answerable for your brother," the Captain said with a smile.

As for the pardons announced this week, NIA said the names have yet to be confirmed.

Who knows, NIA, whether we are not destined to travel in company since I have met you?

Donte Jefferson and NIA Jackson, freshmen at Louisiana State University, founded a Tumblr group called Black K-pop Fans in 2011.

In My Life In Ruins, travel guide Georgia (NIA Vardalos) tries to get back her “mojo” by leading a trip through Greece.

Oh, less than nothing; we must merely submit the question to the NIA.

Because you would suppose, NIA, that I wished to escort you.

Forgive me, NIA, I am certain; we have a spot where we are safe to meet.

Word Value for NIA


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