Definitions for NGO


Spelling: [ngoh deen dyem, dzyem, Ngo is a 3 letter English word.

You can make 12 anagrams from letters in NGO (gno).

Definitions for NGO


  1. 1901–1963, South Vietnamese statesman: president of the Republic of South Vietnam 1956–63.

Examples for NGO

She hopes to become a mechanic or a driver for an NGO, many of which, she says, prefer to hire women over men.

And as the Israeli NGO Yesh Din has documented, that penalty is actually on the high end.

But no longer seen as alarmist, MSF are the heroes with GOAL, an Irish NGO, and the International Medical Corps among others.

The NGO does not deal specifically with child sex abuse cases.

Antonella Napoli, president of the NGO Italians for Darfur, said Italy played a major role in her release.

Never again should he walk with his gun and NGO, light-hearted, over his own old country.

At this moment he was distracted by a very serious attack on NGO.

“A few months ago we delivered a mobile clinic for a USAID-funded NGO,” says one, who declined to be named.

A year ago at a public meeting Kadyrov accused the NGO and its JMG lawyers of being “enemies of the Chechen people.”

The NGO Forum was set up in part to address gaps in the humanitarian response, normally implemented by the United Nations.

Word Value for NGO


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