Definitions for Neo-Lamarckism

Neo-Lamarckism ne·o-La·marck·ism

Spelling: [nee-oh-luh-mahr-kiz-uh m]
IPA: /ˌni oʊ ləˈmɑr kɪz əm/

Neo-Lamarckism is a 14 letter English word.

You can make 2615 anagrams from letters in Neo-Lamarckism (-aaceiklmmnors).

Definitions for Neo-Lamarckism


  1. Lamarckism as expounded by later biologists who hold especially that some acquired characters of organisms may be inherited by descendants, but that natural selection also is a factor in evolution.

Examples for Neo-Lamarckism

That is to say that neo-Lamarckism is no more able than any other form of evolutionism to solve the problem.

There, to our thinking, is one of the most solid positions of neo-Lamarckism.

So we come to the only one of the present forms of evolution which remains for us to mention, viz., neo-Lamarckism.

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