Definitions for NB


Nb is a 2 letter English word.

You can make 5 anagrams from letters in NB (bn).

Examples for NB

Nb: The details of what really happened are always so intriguing.

Nb - that's supposed to be former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi flashing the "v" for victory sign in the front seat.

Nb: I'm totally guilty of much of what Nolan savages in his short essay.

Nb: Prophecy is the key source of mystery and danger in our books.

Nb: I have to say, you seem much calmer than many other authors with a debut novel out.

Nb: We moved from New York City to Rochester, New York, when I was 2.

Suppose the distance n to d (usually written nd) is twice as great as that from n to b (Nb).

Word Value for NB


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