Definitions for Nansen

Nansen Nan·sen

Spelling: [nan-suh n; Norwegian nahn-s Nansen is a 6 letter English word.

You can make 41 anagrams from letters in Nansen (aennns).

Definitions for Nansen


  1. Fridtjof [frit-yof] /ˈfrɪt yɒf/ (Show IPA), 1861–1930, Norwegian arctic explorer, zoologist, and statesman: Nobel Peace Prize 1922.

Examples for Nansen

"Then we will begin our preparations to-morrow," said Nansen.

Nansen, who is usually extremely fair, has now jet-black hair.

"The only disagreeable thing to face now is the cold," says Nansen.

At Nansen Elementary School, music has been removed from the curriculum and Arabic lessons made compulsory.

This journey of Nansen's is a unique feat in the history of Polar travels.

Nansen often made long excursions in front to see where the ice was best.

"High festival in honour of the 80th degree," writes Nansen.

Every reader of Nansen's thrilling narrative must have noticed this.

Nansen rushed down, threw off some clothes, and sprang into the water after them.

Compared with Nansen, astronauts would be quite connected to home, even with a 20-minute communication delay.

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