Meyers is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 77 anagrams from letters in Meyers (eemrsy).
“[The daughter] has always been a good kid and he has had no real problems with her,” Meyer later wrote in his report.
Mr. Meyer found that he was learning a great deal he had not known before.
Worthy Meyer returned home from his sister's thoroughly comforted.
For his tireless assault on evolutionary biology and downsizing the deity to fit within science, I give Meyer second place.
I was a part of this tour, debating Meyer in Richmond, Virginia in April.
Meyer and Ross are right that English translations of the Bible do speak of the heavens being “stretched out.”
This was the work known now to all the civilised world as "The Meyer Madonna."
Anna alone survived her mother, who married again after Meyer's death.
Meyer's actions that day helped lead to the recovery of their bodies and saved the lives of a number of wounded troops.
So Meyer allowed his daughter to follow her bent and adopt an artistic calling.