Definitions for Mendel

Mendel Men·del

Spelling: [men-dl]
IPA: /ˈmɛn dl/

Mendel is a 6 letter English word.

You can make 77 anagrams from letters in Mendel (deelmn).

Definitions for Mendel


  1. Gregor Johann [greg-er yoh-hahn;; German grey-gawr yoh-hahn] /ˈgrɛg ər ˈyoʊ hɑn;; German ˈgreɪ gɔr ˈyoʊ hɑn/ (Show IPA), 1822–84, Austrian monk and botanist.
  2. a male given name, form of Mandel.

Examples for Mendel

"I look into the year just begun with great hopes," continued Mendel.

It is an honorable position and one which our little Mendel will some day be able to fill.

"We are trying to reach Kief, where we have friends," answered Mendel.

Mendel was ever at his side as a helper, until he grew into the office.

So at least thought Mendel, and so thought a score of enamored youths beside.

Mendel himself led them on with an ardor that knew no abatement.

Mendel unfolded his views briefly to the astonished Governor.

Mendel began by alluding to the sad demise of the beloved Rabbi.

"I seek Mendel Winenki," said the man, with military precision.

Mendel and Recha were bound to each other by indissoluble ties.

Word Value for Mendel


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