Meerut is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 73 anagrams from letters in Meerut (eemrtu).
Nothing is known of Lucknow, or indeed of any place below Meerut.
At length, on May 10th, the storm burst out at Meerut in all its fury.
“No matter what has happened in Meerut, the destined end is the same,” she retorted.
He was then appointed superintending surgeon of the Meerut division.
The Meerut Division and 4th Corps were operating around that district.
But the military authorities at Meerut were unequal to the crisis.
"The telegram as to Meerut is clearly an official one," Bathurst said.
Some miles to the northward of Meerut is the station of Burnampore.
The native regiments of Meerut are in revolt and on their way to Delhi.
I cannot leave Meerut without taking the reader to the churchyard of that station.