You can make 383 anagrams from letters in Marinetti (aeiimnrtt).
I think, had Oppenheimer had the opportunity for thorough education, he would have made a Marinetti or a Haeckel.
I can well imagine why Mr. Marinetti in his motor-car does not wish to look back at the past.
Marinetti and his group have striven earnestly to accomplish this difficult feat, but in every instance have failed.
It is written by an Italian named Marinetti, in a magazine which is called Poesia.
There was just one true phrase of Mr. Marinetti's about himself: "the feverish insomnia."
Perhaps the one most addicted to his method was Marinetti, from the name of his native place more commonly called Chiozzotto.
Secondly, Marinetti is wrong when he claims that matter is the only mystery and the only reality.