Marcy is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 64 anagrams from letters in Marcy (acmry).
And yes, that means there was originally a fourth Fugee: Marcy!
Jean tries to imagine what the “formula” would have been like had Marcy stayed with the group.
He also sought to contradict remarks made by his younger brother, Marcy, that pippa found the whole affair funny.
"Noo the Loord ha' Marcy on yar, as joodge says sizes," and instantly let fly.
"We can take the mule to the Hall and let Marcy come and get him," suggested Messmer.
It was a charming place; even a daughter of the house of Marcy could but own to that.
The group had also funded independent-minded Democrat Dennis Kucinich in his losing battle against incumbent Marcy Kaptur.
I understand your position as stated in your letter and by General Marcy.
Because of redistricting, incumbent Democrats Marcy Kaptur and Dennis Kucinich have found themselves fighting over the same seat.
I returned with a policeman, and found Doctor West still with Mr. Marcy.