Definitions for look

look look

Spelling: [loo k]
IPA: /lʊk/

Look is a 4 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 8 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 9 points.

You can make 17 anagrams from letters in look (kloo).

Definitions for look


  1. the act of looking:
  2. a visual search or examination.
  3. the way in which a person or thing appears to the eye or to the mind; aspect:
  4. an expressive glance:
  5. looks. general aspect; appearance: attractive, pleasing appearance.


  1. look daggers, to look at someone with a furious, menacing expression:
  2. look down one's nose at, to regard with an overbearing attitude of superiority, disdain, or censure:
  3. look forward to, to anticipate with eagerness or pleasure:
  4. look sharp, to be alert and quick: Also, British, look slippy. to hurry:

Verb phrases

  1. look after, to follow with the eye, as someone or something moving away: to pay attention to; concern oneself with: to take care of; minister to:
  2. look back, to review past events; return in thought:
  3. look down on/upon, to regard with scorn or disdain; have contempt for:
  4. look for, to seek; search for: to anticipate; expect:
  5. look in, Also, look into. to look briefly inside of: Also, look in on. to visit (a person, place, etc.) briefly:
  6. look into, to inquire into; investigate; examine:
  7. look on/upon, to be a spectator; watch: to consider; regard:
  8. look out, to look to the outside, as from a window or a place of observation: to be vigilant or on guard: to afford a view; face:
  9. look out for, to take watchful care of; be concerned about:
  10. look over, to examine, especially briefly:
  11. look to, to direct one's glance or gaze to: to pay attention to: to direct one's expectations or hopes to: to regard with expectation and anticipation:
  12. look up, to direct the eyes upward; raise one's glance: to become better or more prosperous; improve: to search for, as an item of information, in a reference book or the like: to seek out, especially to visit: Nautical. (of a sailing ship) to head more nearly in the direction of its destination after a favoring change of wind.
  13. look up to, to regard with admiration or respect; esteem:

verb (used with object)

  1. to give (someone) a look:
  2. to have an appearance appropriate to or befitting (something):
  3. to appear to be; look like:
  4. to express or suggest by looks:
  5. Archaic. to bring, put, etc., by looks.

verb (used without object)

  1. to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see:
  2. to glance or gaze in a manner specified:
  3. to use one's sight or vision in seeking, searching, examining, watching, etc.:
  4. to tend, as in bearing or significance:
  5. to appear or seem to the eye as specified:
  6. to appear or seem to the mind:
  7. to direct attention or consideration:
  8. to have an outlook or afford a view:
  9. to face or front:

Origin of look

before 900; (v.) Middle English lōk(i)en, Old English lōcian; cognate with Middle Dutch lœken, akin to dialectal German lugen to look out; (noun) Middle English loke act of looking, glance, c

Examples for look

One need not look so high as the old-fashioned stuccoed ceiling.

Lacey Noonan's A Gronking to Remember makes 50 Shades of Grey look like Madame Bovary in terms of its literary sophistication.

She's one of the build that aren't so big as they look, nor yet so small as they look.

They are becoming more aware of what eating disorders are and what they look like.

Fumbleroooohski…'” (39) “'look at me, ungh, splitting my own seam, oohh… going deep.

Have a look at this telling research from Pew on blasphemy and apostasy laws around the world.

You began to look bad as soon as you left off your breakfast.

So many girls are idolizing these models and wanting to look like them.

look out you don't get mixed up in it yourself, that's all I ask.

He wears the look of one who is gnawed with envy, and he heaves the sigh of despair.

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