Definitions for lock
Spelling: [lok]
IPA: /lɒk/
Lock is a 4 letter English word.
It's valid Scrabble word worth 10 points.
It's valid Words with friends word worth 12 points.
You can make 23 anagrams from letters in lock (cklo).
Definitions for lock
a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc.
a contrivance for fastening or securing something.
the mechanism that explodes the charge; gunlock.
safety (def 4).
any device or part for stopping temporarily the motion of a mechanism.
an enclosed chamber in a canal, dam, etc., with gates at each end, for raising or lowering vessels from one level to another by admitting or releasing water.
an air lock or decompression chamber.
complete and unchallenged control; an unbreakable hold:
Slang. someone or something certain of success; sure thing:
Wrestling. any of various holds, especially a hold secured on the arm, leg, or head:
Horology. (in an escapement) the overlap between a tooth of an escape wheel and the surface of the pallet locking it.
Metalworking. a projection or recession in the mating face of a forging die.
a tress, curl, or ringlet of hair.
the hair of the head.
short wool of inferior quality, as that obtained in small clumps from the legs.
a small tuft or portion of wool, cotton, flax, etc.
lock horns, to come into conflict; clash:
lock, stock, and barrel, completely; entirely; including every part, item, or facet, no matter how small or insignificant:
under lock and key, securely locked up:
Verb phrases
lock in,
to commit unalterably:
(of an investor) to be unable or unwilling to sell or shift securities.
lock off, to enclose (a waterway) with a lock.
lock on, to track or follow a target or object automatically by radar or other electronic means.
lock out,
to keep out by or as if by a lock.
to subject (employees) to a lockout.
lock up,
to imprison for a crime.
Printing. to make (type) immovable in a chase by securing the quoins.
to fasten or secure with a lock or locks.
to lock the doors of a house, automobile, etc.
to fasten or fix firmly, as by engaging parts.
verb (used with object)
to fasten or secure (a door, window, building, etc.) by the operation of a lock or locks.
to shut in a place fastened by a lock or locks, as for security or restraint.
to make fast or immovable by or as if by a lock:
to make fast or immovable, as by engaging parts:
to join or unite firmly by interlinking or intertwining:
to hold fast in an embrace:
to move (a ship) by means of a lock or locks, as in a canal (often followed by through, in, out, down, or up).
to furnish with locks, as a canal.
verb (used without object)
to become locked:
to become fastened, fixed, or interlocked:
to go or pass by means of a lock or locks, as a vessel.
to construct locks in waterways.
Origin of lock
before 900; Middle English; Old English loc fastening, bar; cognate with Middle Low German lok, Old High German loh, Old Norse lok a cover, lid, Gothic -luk in usluk opening; akin to Old Engl
Examples for lock
Andrew Lanning slipped to the door and turned the key in the lock.
In many ways, she seems a lock for the win, but her atheism puts her entire character in question.
"Let me open it for you," he said, taking the key from her hand and inserting it in the lock.
She glided to the door into the hall and turned the lock softly and came to him again.
To lock them in as customers—and draw in more Americans who rely on government aid—Walmart wants to be their bank, too.
It was pushed to, but not locked, and had no fastening upon it except the lock, in which was the key.
Who knew that a competition where you clutch the hand of another man and lock eyes across a table could be this damn gay.
Inserting my key into the lock, I had just cracked the door open when a face appeared in the window.
You see, Uncle Paul, you are growing old and forgetful, and might lock me in again.
Host and guest pop and lock on cardboard—the only proper surface for breakdancing—and in no way did they have dancing doubles.