You can make 701 anagrams from letters in Liberalism (abeiillmrs).
First recorded in 1810-20; liberal + -ism
Adelaide had a Federation-wide reputation for left-wing neo-Marxist "liberalism."
They call us Rationalists; take care you don't fall into liberalism.
liberalism in the United States today is the politics that dares not speak its name.
A liberalism worthy of the word should lift its head and see new paths.
I was ashamed of him, and sick of liberalism, as I sat there.
From its founding in 1914, The New Republic has been the flagship and forum of American liberalism.
Usually, though, old-fashioned liberalism is very much at the fore in Puck.
Sometimes democracy and liberalism are about speaking up about the great issues, like a massive foreign war.
Even the dreadful Hamidian tyranny could not kill Turkish liberalism.
Even so, Maher has identified a problem within Western liberalism today.