Lep is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 14 anagrams from letters in lep (elp).
LEP'idus first entered; and, finding all things safe, made the signal for the other two to approach.
I often used to go to LEP's Auction Rooms where all kinds of art works were sold, at auction.
It costs less; an', whin 'tis done, a man can LEP aboord a sthreet ca-ar, an' come to his family an' sleep it off.
LEP and Dick, the “wheelers” to our leading wagon, were the largest cattle in the entire train.
LEP out onto 'em, widout a word, snatch the gear an' run fair south along the track, yellin' like hell.
A child, that from its mother hath been torn by LEP'rous hands, which must give up their prey.
The English pronounce leap, LEP; and that in the present tense as well as the past.
LEPton, LEP′ton, n. the smallest of modern Greek coins, 100 to the drachma.
A third competitor also for power appeared in LEP'idus, a man of some authority and great riches.
I ran at him, tripped on a stump, let out a yell, and he LEP' straight at my throat.