Lenapes is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 197 anagrams from letters in Lenapes (aeelnps).
1720-30, Americanism; Unami Delaware ləná·p·e (equivalent to Proto-Algonquian *elen- ordinary + *-a·pe·w man)
It was the Mohican and Lenape who veiled their faces, not the Iroquois.
Go, children of the Lenape, the anger of the Manitou is not done.
Other signs of serpent worship were common among the Lenape.
The word Lenape has been translated "men" or "fathers of men."
"The Lenape are rulers of their own hills," returned the other, a little haughtily.
"The Lenape are rulers of their own hills," returned the other a little haughtily.
The Lenape word Messusipu must therefore refer to the Mississippi.
The sun found the Lenape, on the succeeding day, a nation of mourners.
If the Lenape are so skilful, why is one of their bravest warriors here?
If the Lenape are so skillful, why is one of their bravest warriors here?