Lego is a 4 letter English word.
You can make 31 anagrams from letters in LEGO (eglo).
abbreviation of Danish leg godt ‘to play well’
With this new development, LEGO tacitly undermined its own claims to neutrality.
It was the LEGO Friends line, after all, that prompted young Charlotte to pen the most adorable angry letter in consumer history.
But why did it take this long for LEGO to create a set of female scientists in the first place?
“No,” the clearly annoyed 77-year-old star of The Shawshank Redemption and The LEGO Movie told The Daily Beast.
It was divided into centuries, each led by a centurion; and the whole body together was called a legion, from LEGO, to choose.
Tellingly, both still trail the haul stacked up by The LEGO Movie back in February.
And LEGO has certainly taken their time recanting those exclusionary decisions.
LEGO eisdem libros meos episcopales, majorem et minorem, quos ego compilavi.
One easy answer lies in the patrilineal history of LEGO itself.
LEGO has succeeded in convincing itself and its public that its brand is endearingly and refreshingly neutral.