Leavenworth is a 11 letter English word.
You can make 903 anagrams from letters in Leavenworth (aeehlnortvw).
At that time Leavenworth was the starting point on the Missouri.
When it was opened in Leavenworth, it was empty, save for the love and tenderness that were in it.
Colonel Leavenworth at once made preparations to ascend the river.
A married man is in huge luck at Leavenworth, if he has a good wife.
And when he brought out his knife in the bedroom at Leavenworth he did.
"I thought some of his letters might have been from Leavenworth," said Gleason, after a pause.
We went on to Leavenworth, where we had a dinner at the hotel which was worthy of Paris.
"I'm glad, now, that I went to Leavenworth," Algy continued.
The fare from Leavenworth to St. Louis was twelve dollars each.
It is more than six hundred miles from Leavenworth to St. Louis by the river.