Leander is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 194 anagrams from letters in Leander (adeelnr).
Leander asked me right up and down if I wouldn't enlist if I was in his position.
I presume likely you've heard the news from Leander Babbitt, Jed?
If his son, Leander, shared his father's opinions, he did not express them.
Leander wasn't strong, anyway; besides, wasn't he his father's principal support?
See Leander Kahney's piece in Wired last year for more tales of the firm's secrecy.
A few days after Congress adjourned occurred the Leander episode.
He took me to see a grand rowing match, where we were in the Leander barge.
Hero is a "wench o' the Bankside," and Leander swims across the Thames to her.
That was a funny thing, too—that about Leander's not bein' there.
But, what I'm gettin' at is this: Babbitt'll come to me orderin' me to get Leander exempted.