Definitions for Lazear

Lazear La·zear

Spelling: [luh-zeer]
IPA: /ləˈzɪər/

Lazear is a 6 letter English word.

You can make 63 anagrams from letters in Lazear (aaelrz).

Definitions for Lazear


  1. Jesse William, 1866–1900, U.S. physician and bacteriologist.

Examples for Lazear

Lazear permitted himself to be bitten by a stray mosquito while conducting his experiments in the yellow fever hospital.

Later, in the yellow fever hospital, Dr. Lazear deliberately allowed a mosquito to feed on his hand.

Lazear was bitten at his work, and died in the agony of yellow-fever convulsions, a martyr and a hero if ever there was one.

In the course of these experiments, Dr. Lazear, a member of the Commission, died of the disease.

Dr. Lazear left a wife and two young children, one of whom he had never seen.

Word Value for Lazear


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