Laurie is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 107 anagrams from letters in Laurie (aeilru).
Of course, thanks to Laurie Anderson, we know this is not true.
And then there's Laurie (Amy Brenneman), the Garveys' mater familias.
He toured with the briefly reformed Velvet Underground and found domestic happiness with Laurie Anderson.
Heaven grant my Laurie be not too honest, too unsuspicious for his own safety!
Laurie went from room to room with Aunt Laura, looking at everything.
Laurie Rush, the military archaeologist, admitted, “Our most exciting days are the days we discover we were wrong.”
Laurie,” said I at last, “are you going by that vessel to-morrow morning?
Laurie Metcalf gave a heart-rending portrayal of a businesswoman suffering from early dementia in The Other Place.
Laurie Morse had much swift understanding of the human heart.
The renaissance classics may be studied in the works of Woodward and Laurie.