Launceston is a 10 letter English word.
You can make 908 anagrams from letters in Launceston (acelnnostu).
To-morrow we go direct to Launceston, and from Launceston at once to Plymouth.
The principal line is that connecting Launceston with Hobart.
At the wharves at Launceston the tide rises from twelve to fourteen feet.
A road was opened with Launceston, chiefly useful to absconders.
It is on the road through the western district, about 60 miles from Launceston.
There are only two towns of any size—Hobart in the south and Launceston in the north.
Launceston and Hobart are as jealous of each other, if not more so, than Melbourne and Sydney.
Invermay—a village near Launceston, on the road to George Town.
The letter had no signature, but the address given was "Lancroft, near Launceston."
Not the least important of the series were held in Launceston.