Definitions for Lat.

Lat. lat.

Lat. is a 4 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 3 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 4 points.

You can make 18 anagrams from letters in Lat. (.alt).

Examples for Lat.

This is called an excurrent trunk (lat., excurrere, to run out).

It had anciently the imagined virtue of preserving chastity—hence the term castus (lat., chaste).

Alter ego (lat., 'another I'), a second self, one who represents another in every respect.

Our observations placed us in 34° 08´ south of lat., and in long.

This is called a deliquescent stem (lat., deliquescere, to melt away).

Acta Diur′na (lat., proceedings of the day), a daily Roman newspaper which appeared under both the republic and the empire.

Word Value for Lat.


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