Kodak is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 30 anagrams from letters in Kodak (adkko).
Go ask anybody who remembers A&P, Gimbels, Digital Equipment, Kodak, or Borders, fer chrissakes.
He also ordered an enlarging camera, a Kodak, and a magic lantern.
I was delighted to get them, and now I can Kodak this whole district, above and below.
Kodak, which defined personal photography for generations in the 20th century, appears headed for certain bankruptcy.
Even if a Kodak were not permitted, pictures could be secured.
A Kodak picture of you would prove his arguments conclusively.
The end of Kodak is a source of sadness, like the passing of an old, trusted family friend.
Now, even with a new CEO and a vast audience, it is on the verge of eclipse—as is Kodak, another firm once on the cutting edge.
No child of nature so simple, in these days, as not to recognize a Kodak.
At least he still has the Kodak darkroom funnel he got when he was 14, which was 59 years ago.