Jain is a 4 letter English word.
You can make 22 anagrams from letters in Jain (aijn).
1795-1805; ≪ Sanskrit jaina
The Jain Pagodas were thereupon, it is said, destroyed by the Jangamas.
This building must be—but ignorance is a bad guide—Jain in character.
Lunched near the Jain Temple, which contains most curious carvings.
There I shall meet one of the pure faith in a Jain temple of that city.
Tīrthankaras are the priests of the Jain religion, and are also known as Pitambaras.
"Miscarriages at that age are related to chromosonal abnormalities—the egg gives rise to genetically abnormal embryos," said Jain.
What was it to me whether She was Hindu or Jain—scavenger, leper, or whole?
One year later, at age 41, they reconciled, and the couple came back to Jain's clinic for IVF after she had had a miscarriage.
Both figures are, of course, involved with the spirit: the Jain is a naked ascetic and the Budhha always aims to transcend.
He told Kim the story of the elephant with the leg-iron, as he had told it so often to the Jain priests.