Definitions for IRO


Iro is a 3 letter English word.

You can make 12 anagrams from letters in IRO (ior).

Examples for IRO

From such an idea purple colour is known in poetry as Yukari no IRO (the related colour).

Above the number ten this way of counting is not used, instead they say IRO jichi or jichi no IRO for 'eleven colors.'

This IRO was a most mischievous rogue, and one of the most troublesome fellows in the island.

Monoxide, IRO, prepared by adding potassium hydrate to the hexachloride of iridium, and digesting the precipitate in an acid.

IRO explained that he didn't say anything about soda-water at the Wimberger.

But it was lenient with Gregorig, who had called IRO a cowardly blatherskite in debate.

Word Value for IRO


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