Humans is a 6 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 10 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 12 points.
You can make 106 anagrams from letters in humans (ahmnsu).
1350-1400; earlier humain(e), humayn(e), Middle English Middle French humain Latin hūmānus, akin to homō human being (cf. Homo); spelling human predominant from early
Note: UNICOR uses its inmates for everything from call center operators to human demolishers of old computers.
We do not know how or why or when the human race began its career upon this Earth.
It will not be sufficient that the rash counsels of human passion are rejected.
Our animators are very excited to be drawing the innards of a human being.
It is the summit of human happiness: the surrender of man to God, of woman to man, of several women to the same man.
human evolution has left men as deeply wired for emotional connections to children as women are.
But then, I always was a terrible poor judge of human nature.
Even the village was too human, too modern, for his early-pagan mood.
It had the pure and placid expression of the human soul, when it dwells in love and peace.
The editors, writers, and cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo were human beings with families, friends, and loved ones.