Hecht is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 38 anagrams from letters in Hecht (cehht).
presumably after a gymnast named Hecht
No one is vetted in the manner that Beinart seems to think Booker should when dealing with Hecht and Boteach.
As noted, Booker, Hecht and I founded Eliezer, The Jewish Society at Yale, in the fall of 1996.
Rabbi Hecht does indeed posses unique power and influence at Eliezer, over matters of Jewish law.
The specific gravity of clay substance is 2·65 according to Hecht, the lower figures sometimes reported being too low.
Bot thare is mony that will Hecht and say thai sall do wele, and quhen thai mount in gouernaunce thai do all othir wayis.
Hecht could have opted to build a conventional Chabad House and install himself as the sole authority.
In that tradition, Hecht opposes creating a Palestinian state.
The Hecht plan was studied by lawyers and financiers and declared feasible.
By Chabad standards, after all, Boteach and Hecht are universalists.
When I asked Hecht his view on the subject, he suggested that my question be “addressed to the leadership of Chabad.”