Hausas is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 47 anagrams from letters in Hausas (aahssu).
The Fula, as also most of the Hausa, are Moslems, the other tribes are pagans.
Your Hausa man—Hudson his name is—urged us to push on this far.
Waziri nodded, and supplied the Hausa phrase for this skill.
In ancient times the province of Katagum formed the debateable country between Bornu and the Hausa states.
It has been erroneously stated that the Fula imposed Mahommedanism on the Hausa states.
He talks Arabic, and Hausa, and krooboy palaver as well as I do.
The scouts were called in; and the Hausa company set off, in fours, along the path.
Beriberi (or Berberi) is the name given them by the Hausa (see Bornu).
Chika, a well-to-do young Igbo woman, has been pulled to safety in a deserted shop by a Hausa Muslim woman.
A Hausa sergeant challenged from the launch, and the reply came in his own tongue.