You can make 106 anagrams from letters in Gemara (aaegmr).
The difference between the two is exclusively in the Gemara.
This development of the Mishnah is in each case called Gemara.
The Mishna forms the text, and the Gemara is annexed as the comment or glossary.
The Gemara or Commentary is often overloaded with ineptitudes and ridiculous subtilties.
It stands in the Gemara, Abe, we are commanded to promote marriages, visit the sick and bury the dead.
It comprises the Mishna, which is the text; and the Gemara, its commentary.
Neither the Mishna nor the Gemara mentions written indictments among the ancient Hebrews.
A lad should, at the age of fifteen, begin to apply himself to the Gemara.
In a general way, 79the bill corresponds to the Mishna, and the debates to the Gemara.
There is no phase of human relationship that is not covered by the Mishna and Gemara.