Definitions for GD


Gd is a 2 letter English word.

You can make 8 anagrams from letters in GD (dg).

Examples for GD

How long have you held that position as tool inspector for Gd?

Se man hf gold, t is Gd be his me: he hf land and welan, a sint Gde.

The spelling goud 5, 50, &c., for Gd 'good' may indicate a sound change.

Gif nig gesceaft is Gd, onne is seo Gdnys of am Scyppende, see is healice Gd.

Se e Gd beon wile, clypige to am e fre is Gd, t he hine Gdne gewyrce.

Se man gesih and fyli Gode, see cann understandan God, and Gd weorc wyrc.

Se e fre is Gd, he brinc us yfele to Gdum mannum, gif we buga fram yfele, and do Gd.

A closed syllable ends in one or more consonants: ing, thing; Gd, good; gld, glad.

The king, on hearing of it exclaimed "by Gd, the man has got the sow by the right ear!"

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