Gaw is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 10 anagrams from letters in GAW (agw).
First recorded in 1785-95; origin uncertain
gaw Daloi had given orders that he should be informed daily which way we were travelling.
gaw sen' me to yo' house to mek you instlument to convert dissa mudderers.
His brothers were sir gaw'ain, sir Agravain, and sir Gaheris.
To temen on bere is parallel to the old phrase to bringen on bere; cf. gaw.
With the brave Captain gaw as his guide, and two orderlies, Garfield sets out on his famous ride.
So begin play lika diss: 'O gaw, O my ancestors, givva me res'; givva me foo'; givva me wadder!
Missiolary man vay good man; say hisse'f: 'gaw sen' me dissa man mek convict to Chrisinjanity.
They had been to Gyangtse, and had received orders from gaw to watch all my movements carefully.
And then with 'Gee' and 'gaw,' the marquis spouted out reminiscences of scene, the best ever witnessed!
Nen he lie down, an' play once more his ancestors an' gaw: 'You he'p me oleleddy; I kip plomise.