You can make 176 anagrams from letters in gallants (aagllnst).
1350-1400; Middle English gala(u)nt Old French galant, present participle of galer to amuse oneself, make merry Gallo-Romance *walāre, derivative of Frankish *wala good, happy; see Examples for gallants
"It is very kind of you to return at all," replied Dan, gallantly enough.
"That was more fortunate for your family than it was for my sex," said Nelson, gallantly.
"I will not refuse a service you offer me so gallantly," said she.
The Colonel said gallantly: "I don't expect there's much to forgive."
A few of them gallantly reached the Turkish trenches and fell there.
We gallantly declared that we thoroughly agreed with these principles of the toilette.
“I see what this man [the president] sees in you,” Stewart gallantly replied.
He took the hand which she extended and, bending over it, kissed it gallantly.
"You may have seen twenty summers," gallantly conjectured Vivian.
He was there at Gettysburg, gallantly leading outnumbered Yankee divisions before suffering a neck injury.