Definitions for Galen

Galen Ga·len

Spelling: [gey-luh n]
IPA: /ˈgeɪ lən/

Galen is a 5 letter English word.

You can make 71 anagrams from letters in Galen (aegln).

Definitions for Galen


  1. Latin Galenus [guh-lee-nuh s] /gəˈli nəs/ (Show IPA). Claudius, a.d. c130–c200, Greek physician and writer on medicine.
  2. any physician.

Examples for Galen

"Make me as old as Dr. Parr or old Galen's head, if you like," was the answer.

His compendium of Galen was the text-book of medicine in the West for many centuries.

Galen, however, thinks that not even a strong debate performance is enough.

After Galen there is a thousand years of darkness, and biology ceases to have a history.

Amid the finger-pointing, there is one thing most involved agree on: The victim of this is Galen.

Peter MacNichol stars as Galen, an impressively earnest, blotchy, and incompetent sorcerer's apprentice.

It is supposed that Galen first brought specimens of this fungus from that region.

On the family's behalf, I request that [her nanny] be allowed to bring Galen to the funeral and return her thereafter.

Galen was "disinvited," says a confidante of Galen's mother, Victoria.

He consults Galen, who laughs at him, and sends him to Salerno.

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